Constable Quiz League 2016-2017

Welcome to the Constable Quiz League web site for the 2016-2017 season


The Constable Quiz League 2016-2017 season takes us into uncharted territories but with Skipper Dave Eastall at the helm, First Mate Charlie Stannett following up the rear and Purser Nick Strowbridge looking after the cash, we’re in safe hands.


Thanks to all the teams that have registered for the 2016/17 season. We are down to 6 teams so, as discussed at previous AGMs, we will play all team friendly quizzes every couple of weeks. This offers challenges and opportunity.  The biggest challenge is for the Dicky A and The Royal Oak B to find a venue big enough to host all teams, but looks like the Cattawade Crown is an option.  But I hope the opportunities make up for this.  We can invite other people to join in and maybe find some more teams to restart the league.  And because it’s no longer a league, the home team can experiment with the format.  We have been keeping the results, and we will put them on here under Group Quiz results, but they’re not really that useful.

League Information:



Resources for Question Setters


Last Updated 30 March 2017 by Lesley